Nothing more than God's Pencil
Ever Deal with Pride? Who do we think we really are? Check out this short video on how God spoke to me about a prideful heart.
The Well Church in Santa Rosa Beach is temporarily located in AJ's restaurant in Grayton Beach just south of 30a and 283. We are west of Blue Mountain Beach and just east of Seaside, Seagrove, Rosemary Beach, Inlet Beach, Alys Beach, etc.
#christianchurchsantarosabeach #santarosabeachchurch #churchsantarosabeach #christianchurch #churchgraytonbeach #seagrovebeachchurch #churchesinseagrovebeach #churhesinbluemountainbeach #churchingraytonbeach #alsybeachchurch #sundaymoringchurch #alysbeachchurch #sandestinchurch #churchesinsandestinfl #churchesinseagrovefl #churchesinrosemarybeach
Church in santa rosa beach. Church in Grayton Beach.